Monday 2 November 2009

Too early to starting thinking about the C word?

Well, November has crept upon us rapidly and in not time at all we'll be wrapping up warm and getting in the midst of those Christmas queues frantically trying to get everything off our list checked off. One important question a lot of people will ask themselves, is how to pay for the Christmas shopping this year. When the credit crunch hit us this time last year, a lot of people were forced to restrain from credit card purchases and perhaps reduce the number of presents they had initially planned to buy. And perhaps divert their attentions away from the expensive stores and find some more competitive priced options. But, with many of the credit card companies being forced to tighten up their policies, and stop taking advantage of people who are prone to racking up debts on their credit cards, can we this year perhaps go on a bit of splurge? Well, my advice would be as always to really work out a budget beforehand and try to stick to it. Even with some of the credit cards perhaps reducing interest rates, or them being forced not to be able to increase interest rates once the consumer gets into debt, it's still necessary to be financially prudent in these still economic uncertain times.

There's a number of ways you can shop cheaply, and pay now rather than have to wait to the new year to worry about it. For example, why not auction off your old unwanted junk on ebay or similar sites, you never know what you can get for something you consider worthless. This should give you some spending money for those Christmas presents. Or perhaps organize a yard/jumble sale getting rid of stuff in the actic. Another good way to make some quick cash. These are just a few ways of getting some cash for your shopping, if you're looking to find out what ebay buyers really want this software I use is highly recommended:Auction Yen

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