Monday 26 October 2009

UK is still in the midst of a recession

With the economic situation still looking bleak in the UK, and the recent CARD updates that have been implemented and will be implemented, it all means we have to tighten our belts and become less reliant on the plastic. There's always ways to save money on utilities, shopping, using the car less and so forth. Not only this but it makes us realize perhaps how wasteful and blaze our attitude towards saving was before. If anything this recession has shown that we must pay more attention to what we're spending and if it's really necessary or not. However, the recession has made things worse for people that were already in debt before the economic downturn. If your debt is really worrying you, and perhaps you've lost your main source of income, then I'd thoroughly recommend the ebook that was featured last week for turning your finances around. It disseminates practical advice, and shows you how one guy managed to get out of more than $200,000 of debt.

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